Elegant Chaos: Algebraically Simple Chaotic Flows

Elegant Chaos: Algebraically Simple Chaotic Flows Julien Clinton Sprott
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2012. 328 стр. Binder.

This heavily illustrated book collects in one source most of the mathematically simple systems of differential equations whose solutions are chaotic. It includes the historically important systems but it goes on to show that there are many other simple and elegant systems including those that are obtained by means of a goal-directed enumeration of possibilities of simple differential equations. A separate chapter is devoted to simple electronic circuits that exhibit chaos. Each example is illustrated with plots of attractors and provided with all the data which is essential for the presentation of results.

The book inspires and stimulates the interest to studying the problems of realization and usage of dynamic chaos. The book will assist researchers in the search of models for the description of systems with chaotic dynamics in such fields as physics, electronics, laser physics, biophysics; teachers can use it as a source of multiple elegant examples to use in their courses. The book will be accessible and interesting for students and postgraduates specializing in technical and natural sciences as well.

